Thursday, June 5, 2008

Plasma cutters used in steel shop fabrication

plasma cutter have been around for around 6 -7 years, their ideal use is in terms of the manufacturing process of structural steel fabrication, this is a great advantage for steel shops as speed and accuracy has been increased.
  • plasma cutters use a hot 15000 degrees c arch to cut though up to 300mm thick steel

  • advantages include improved accuracy&speed.
  • melts metal and blasts it away from the cut, cleaner finish

Monday, June 2, 2008

portal frame construction

location Williams town, williamson rd. 2005

Because of these very strong and rigid joints some of the bending moment in the rafters is transferred to the columns. This means that the size of the rafters can be reduced or the span can be increased for the same size rafters. This makes portal frames a very efficient construction technique to use for wide span buildings